Peace and War Between Nations - Feb. 22 at La Maison Française of NYU

March 17, 2024

La Maison Française of NYU will host a panel discussion as part of its ongong series “Peace and War Between Nations” on Thursday, Feb. 22, at 6:30 p.m. The series, titled Peace & War Between Nations, is dedicated to some of the most pressing questions of our time. For information, contact Kourtney Rutherford 917-502-1904, [email protected] La Maison Française of NYU:For over sixty years, La Maison Française of New York University has served as a major forum for cultural exchange between the French-speaking world and the United States. One of the most active French centers on an American campus, La Maison Française of NYU is recognized as a Center of Excellence by the French Embassy in the United States. Visit La Maison Française.

La Maison Française of NYU will host a panel discussion as part of its ongong series “Peace and War Between Nations” on Thursday, Feb. 22, at 6:30 p.m. The cultural center is at 16 Washington Mews, New York N.Y.  This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

Panelist Séverine Autesserre (Barnard College at Columbia University), Jean-Marie Guéhenno (Columbia University), Ambassador Jorge Heine (Boston University, former Ambassador of Chile and Cabinet minister) and Sylvie Kauffmann (Le Monde) will discuss the topic at hand, "Is War the New Normal?"

The third public panel in the series, titled “Can War Be Avoided?”, will take place on Monday, Feb. 26  and will feature panelists Pierre Buhler (Sciences Po), Chandran Nair (Founder and CEO of GIFT), Soli Ozel (Istanbul Kadir Has University, European Council on Foreign Relations), Sundeep Waslekar (President of Strategic Foresight Group), and Gilles Yabi (founder and CEO of WATHI).

The series, titled Peace & War Between Nations, is dedicated to some of the most pressing questions of our time. It was curated by Guy Sorman, founder/honorary president of Action Contre la Faim Guy Sorman. The title of the exchange is the same as a seminal essay by Raymond Aron, published in Paris in 1965.

The trio of talks has been arranged in partnership with Normandie Pour la Paix, an organization whose annual world forum is dedicated to exchanges about world tensions and the best pathway to peace. A remarkable assembly of contemporary thinkers are coming together to debate and explore various geopolitical topics that touch upon who we are and where we are going as societies, nations, and humanity.

The first installment, which was held Nov. 21, featured panelists Adekeye Adebajo (University of Pretoria), Philippe Etienne (former Ambassador of France to the US), Happymon Jacob (Jawaharlal Nehru University), Yaw Nyarko (New York University), Yusuke Shimizu (Japanese Foreign Ministry, Google, World Bank), and Kenneth Weinstein (Hudson Institute) discussed "The concept of Global South and its origins: a new conflict risk?"

For information, contact Kourtney Rutherford 917-502-1904, [email protected]

About La Maison Française of NYU:
For over sixty years, La Maison Française of New York University has served as a major forum for cultural exchange between the French-speaking world and the United States. Its rich program of lectures, symposia, concerts, screenings, exhibitions, and festivals provides an invaluable resource to the university community, as well as the general public. One of the most active French centers on an American campus, La Maison Française of NYU is recognized as a Center of Excellence by the French Embassy in the United States. Visit La Maison Française.

The source of this news is from New York University

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