Message from Fountain Walker, VP for Global Campus Safety and Rafael Rodriguez, Dean of Students

November 28, 2023

In the last few days, we have heard concerns from members of our community who feel afraid. We are committed to the safety of all members of the community. NYU’s Campus Safety Department has been on heightened alert since Saturday — with increased personnel and patrols and monitoring of conditions — and that continues. Promptly report threats (whether over social media or other means) and violence to the NYPD (9-1-1) and to Campus Safety (212.998.2222). Students who are in need of support are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Wellness Exchange at (212) 443-9999.

In the last few days, we have heard concerns from members of our community who feel afraid.

We understand these concerns. We are committed to the safety of all members of the community. We have not been advised of any specific threats to the NYU community. NYU’s Campus Safety Department has been on heightened alert since Saturday — with increased personnel and patrols and monitoring of conditions — and that continues.

We have also been in touch with law enforcement; they are well aware of coming demonstrations, and are monitoring conditions closely. The NYPD has placed its personnel on a heightened level of alert since last weekend, is deploying increased numbers of officers, and is focusing attention on potential targets of concern. In the face of increased tension, we want to offer the following guidance, recommendations, and resources:

  • All members of the community have the right to peacefully demonstrate, express dissent, or express their point of view; none have the right to commit violence, vandalism, intimidation, or harassment.
  • Be mindful of how you engage and avoid escalation that may impact your personal safety or that of others.
  • If you participate in protests or demonstrations, be mindful of your surroundings. If there is any hint that the event is becoming disorderly or violent, leave immediately.
  • Promptly report threats (whether over social media or other means) and violence to the NYPD (9-1-1) and to Campus Safety (212.998.2222).
  • Be familiar with NYU’s rules on dissent and protest and posting of signs and banners — expect them to be enforced.
  • Beyond physical safety, it's important to recognize that these events may take an emotional toll. Students who are in need of support are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Wellness Exchange at (212) 443-9999.
  • Additionally, students may feel isolated and need a sense of community. Please take advantage of various spaces across the University, including the Center for Multicultural Education and Programs, the Islamic Center at NYU, the Center for Global Spiritual Life, and the Bronfman Center.
  • As always, if you require academic support, please don't hesitate to contact an Academic Advisor.

We are here for you. Your safety is our priority.

The source of this news is from New York University

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