Call for papers: Workshop on coherence in multi-level orders

March 04, 2024

COMPLEX welcomes submission of papers for a workshop on coherence in multi-level orders in Oslo on 22 April 2024. In Europe, national administrations are part of a larger political order and a multi-level administrative order. In a complex multilevel context of Europeanisation and internationalisation, there are several sources of law and potentially conflicting loyalties and accountability lines. COMPLEX invites researchers to submit papers that deal with administrative logics and rule of law in multilevel orders. The research project European integration and national law: Compliance in complex institutional orders (COMPLEX) convenes a workshop on 22 April 2024.

COMPLEX welcomes submission of papers for a workshop on coherence in multi-level orders in Oslo on 22 April 2024. Deadline for paper proposals: Friday 1 March.

In Europe, national administrations are part of a larger political order and a multi-level administrative order. In a complex multilevel context of Europeanisation and internationalisation, there are several sources of law and potentially conflicting loyalties and accountability lines. 

What are the prospects for rationality and legality under these conditions? COMPLEX invites researchers to submit papers that deal with administrative logics and rule of law in multilevel orders. How do agencies/officials practice EU law and why do they sometimes err? Papers that deal with conflicting institutional goals and accountability challenges are welcome.

Possible themes are:

  • Legitimacy in multilevel orders

  • “Double hatted” administration and role conceptions

  • Rule of law in complex European administration

  • Modes of administrative rationality

Please submit your paper to project leader Erik Oddvar Eriksen by Friday March 1. For administrative questions please contact Silje Marie Thorstensen

The research project European integration and national law: Compliance in complex institutional orders (COMPLEX) convenes a workshop on 22 April 2024. COMPLEX is coordinated by ARENA Centre for European Studies at University of Oslo, and studies the effects of international treaties on national law.

More information about the workshop and a detailed program will follow shortly.

The source of this news is from University of Oslo

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